The Tamil film Soodhu Kavvum 2, a crime comedy that blends thrilling elements with humor, is set to release on OTT platforms soon. Directed by S J Arjun, the movie follows Guru on his quest for revenge, leading to a series of unexpected twists. Following its theatrical release on December 13, 2024, fans can now watch this highly anticipated movie on the Aha Video platform. The OTT release offers another chance for audiences to dive into the gripping narrative.
When and Where to Watch Soodhu Kavvum 2
The much-anticipated Tamil crime-comedy Soodhu Kavvum 2, which premiered in theaters on December 13, 2024, is set to make its OTT debut. According to reports, the movie will be available for streaming on Aha Video starting January 14, 2025. Fans of the prequel Soodhu Kavvum (2013) can now catch the thrilling story of revenge and deception from the comfort of their homes.
Official Trailer and Plot of Soodhu Kavvum 2
The official trailer of Soodhu Kavvum 2 hints at a gripping blend of humor and suspense. The story follows Guru, who seeks revenge on Arumai Pragasam, a powerful Finance Minister, holding him responsible for the tragic loss of his loved one. Amidst this quest, the involvement of Arumai's father, Gnanodayam, and a determined ACP K. Bramma intensifies the conflict. The situation takes an unexpected turn when two eccentric detectives step in, unraveling Guru's carefully laid plans. This prequel delves deeper into the world of quirky characters and chaotic schemes that made the first film a cult favorite.
Cast and Crew of Soodhu Kavvum 2
The film boasts an ensemble cast featuring Mirchi Shiva, Harisha, Radha Ravi, Karunakaran, M.S. Bhaskar, Karate Karthi, Raghu, Yog Japee, Aruldoss, Kalki, and Kavi. Directed by S J Arjun, it is produced by C V Kumar and S Thangaraj under the banners of Thirukumaran Entertainment and Thangam Cinemas. Music is composed by Edwin Louis Viswanat and Hari S R took to background score, with cinematography by Karthik K Thillai and editing by Ignatious Aswin. Lyrics have been penned by La Varathan, Andrews, and Parthiban.
Reception of Soodhu Kavvum 2
The movie has received a mixed response from audiences and critics alike. It currently holds a rating of 5.4 out of 10 on IMDb. Box office figures indicate a moderate performance during its theatrical release. Fans now look forward to its OTT debut for another chance to revisit the unique universe of Soodhu Kavvum.
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