Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth shared more pictures from their royal wedding in Rajasthan and we are not complaining at all. It's no longer a secret that Farah Khan, Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal, Malaika Arora attended the wedding which took place at the Alila Fort, Bishangarh, a few days ago. The new set of pictures also reveal Dulquer Salmaan and his wife Amal Sufiya took part in the celebrations. The new pictures capture the many moods of a cocktail party and a mehendi ceremony. In one click, Farah Khan can be seen letting her hair down (read dancing like nobody's watching). In another click, Sonakshi Sinha can be seen reading out while Aditi, Siddharth and Zaheer surround her adorably. Aditi wrote in the caption, "Shiny happy people/ Two friends got married. Their friends like family were there There were proposals and vows, Song, dance and much celebration. There was so much laughter and so many tears/ A union of friends it was/ Two friends got married/ And two pixies became one." Take a look:
In another set of images, Aditi gave a glimpse of the beautiful locale and shared some more pictures of herself and, of course, the groom. The caption read, "You'll remember me/ When the west wind movesUpon the fields of Barley/ We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky/ As we walk in Fields of Gold." Take a look:
The couple announced their wedding on September 16. Aditi and Siddharth kept their wedding outfits simple and elegant. Aditi wore a golden saree in a traditional South-Indian way. She wore flowers in her hair. Siddharth complemented her in a white dhoti-kurta set. Take a look at their first wedding pictures:
Aditi and Siddharth officially announced their engagement in March with a heartfelt Instagram post. Aditi shared the news with the caption, "He said yes! E. N. G. A. G. E. D.," while Siddharth simply wrote, "She said yes."
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