Yuvika Chaudhary, who is reportedly expecting her first child, recently made her public appearance amid pregnancy rumours. Yuvika Chaudhary attended Arti Singh's sangeet ceremony in Mumbai. Several photos and videos of the actress have been doing the rounds on social media. For the sangeet ceremony, she opted for a yellow lehenga from the shelves of designer Maiti Shahani. Her ensemble was adorned with intricate embroidery featuring resham, mirror, and glass beads. She completed the look with a white choker neckpiece and left her hair open in soft curls. For the unversed, the pregnancy rumours began after Prince Narula appeared on Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa's podcast, where he dropped hints about their impending parenthood.
During the conversation, Bharti jokingly asked Prince Narula when she could expect to see him and Yuvika as parents. To this, Prince replied, "Jald hi (Very soon)." Since then, rumours have been rife about their pregnancy. However, there has been no official confirmation from the actors on this matter.
Addressing what took them so long, Prince explained that they had long been planning for a child but decided to wait until they settled in their own home in Mumbai. He said, "Mujhe bacha tab karna tha jab Mumbai mein mera ghar ho. Speed mein bhagna na ho, har cheez ke liye time ho. (I wanted to have a child when I had my own home in Mumbai. I didn't want to rush, I wanted time for everything.)
For the unversed, Prince Narula and Yuvika Chaudhary met on the set of Bigg Boss 9. Soon after, the couple began dating and got married on October 12, 2018, in Mumbai.
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