"Two legends together," said elated fans after seeing cricketer Pat Cummin's picture with actor Mahesh Babu. On Monday, Pat Cummins shared a picture with Mahesh Babu. In the post's caption, he described the Murari actor as the "Prince of Tollywood" "An afternoon well spent with the Prince of Tollywood," he wrote on Instagram. In no time, fans chimed in the comment section and heaped praises on the two. "Captain of Hyderabad with The King of Hyderabad," a social media user commented. "Woah what a duo," another one wrote.
Pat Cummins is arguably one of the greatest modern-day cricketers going around. The Australia Test and ODI captain has achieved phenomenal success over the last two years. He led Australia to the World Test Championship (WTC) final after his team defeated India.
Then Australia retained the Ashes against England, and to round it all off, Australia defeated favourites India in Ahmedabad to win the Cricket World Cup 2023.
The cricketer is currently leading SunRisers Hyderabad in the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024, and if he somehow manages to guide his franchise to a title win, then it would be safe to say that there is no one like Cummins.
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