Shah Rukh Khan's film Dunki has taken over the box office and how. According to a Sacnilk report, the movie, which marks the first-ever on-screen pairing of SRK and Taapsee Pannu, collected 12.00 Cr India net on its eleventh day for all languages. Overall, Dunki has made ₹ 188.22 crore at the domestic box office. Dunki is not only impressing SRK fans in India but is also hitting the right notes with the international audience. According to a post shared by Red Chillies Entertainment's Instagram handle, the Rajkumar Hirani directorial has garnered ₹3610.30 crore globally.
In a recent conversation, Taapsee Pannu shared an amusing anecdote about how she secured her role in Dunki. She remarked, "Actually thoda funny hai mere liye bhi kyunki Dunki ka call jo pehla aya tha wo Raju Sir ka hi aya tha but usey pehle kaafi jagah aa chuka tha I am being considered for this film and I am doing this film and just like any other rumour, maine kaha ye toh possible hi nahi hai. Pehli baar dhang ka rumour aya mere baare mein. Chalo main yahi sun ke khush hojati hun. [Before Sir called me, there were rumours doing the rounds that I am being considered for the film and just like the other rumour, I thought, this isn't possible. So I was just happy that that for the first time there is a good rumour about me.]”
“But then I got a call from Sir (Rajkumar Hirani). Unhone pehle yahi kaha ke chalo media ne bata hi diya hai to maine socha main bhi phone karke bol hi dun [He called me and said that the media has already been saying it so I thought I might as well call and tell you.] Toh wo eklauta aisa ek rumour that jo achha tha aur sach hua [This was the only rumour that was good and turned out to be true]," Taapsee Paanu added.
In addition to Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu, Dunki features Vicky Kaushal and Boman Irani in important roles.
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