A day before the release of his upcoming film Ghoomer, centering around a differently-abled sportsperson, Abhishek Bachchan opened up about the lessons he learned from his parents Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan. The Dhoom actor appeared on Raj Shamani's podcast and spoke about the values instilled in him by his parents. Speaking about his mother, the actor said, "There are certain values that I see my mother live by; honour, loyalty, principles, which sadly are values we may be losing, slowly.”
He continued, "Nobody thinks about loyalty these days. People are concerned about what they stand to gain from a relationship, if they don't stand to gain anything, they drop out. I don't like that, and that's because I've seen my mother like that. From my father, I get discipline and duty. His sense of duty is immense.”
A few days back, Abhishek Bachchan revealed in another interview how he did not get to see his dad for days and the actor was always putting in the extra hours at work. On the same lines, Abhishek Bachchan said that his father taught him the importance of valuing others' time.
Asked if actors are usually late, Abhishek said, “No, I don't think so. You've just met the wrong people, I guess. My family is always on time; the people I work with usually are. I feel the younger generation of actors is very conscientious of that. My father told me when I was a kid, ‘If you don't respect time, time's not going to respect you'.”
Abhishek Bachchan's upcoming film Ghoomer will be released in theatres on August 18. The film is headlined by Abhishek and Saiyami Kher.
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