It was a star-studded night On Wednesday as Bollywood celebs walked the red carpet for the screening of the upcoming film Neeyat. The mystery thriller, which is set to release on July 7th, saw its star cast arrive in style for the screening. Vidya Balan was clicked at the event with her husband Siddharth Roy Kapoor. The duo posed for the paparazzi before making their way inside. Vidya slipped into a gorgeous bronze long skirt for the night. She completed her look with a stylish black blazer.
Take a look at her OOTN:
Besides Vidya Balan, the cast of Neeyat including Shahana Goswami, Rahul Roy, Amrita Puri and Prajakta Koli also marked their presence at the screening. Shahana Goswami, Amrita Puri and Prajakta Koli looked glamourous in their festive best while Rahul Roy looked dapper in a suit.
Take a look at the pictures here:
Other attendees to the screening included The Night Manager stars Anil Kapoor and Sobhita Dhulipala, and actress Fatima Sana Shaikh
Ali Fazal and Karishma Tanna, who have been earning accolades for their respective performances in Kandahar and Scoop also attended the party in their casual best.
The trailer of the film was released last month. Take a look at it here:
Speaking about her experience of working on Neeyat, Vidya said, "In Neeyat, Detective Mira Rao is not your everyday, classic detective which is what made it great fun for me. Also, not only did I get a chance to sink my teeth into an unusual and quirky character but I also got to work with a powerful set of co-actors."
Neeyat marks Vidya's return to theatres after her successful digital stint with Shakuntala Devi, Sherni and Jalsa. Neeyat will be out in theatres on July 7.
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