To those eagerly awaiting the release of Jawan, actor Shah Rukh Khan has an update to share with you all. The Pathaan star on Saturday treated his fans to a short video, announcing the release date of the highly-anticipated prevue of the film. The text appearing on the video reads, "Jawan prevue at 10:30 am on July 11, Ready ah?" Sharing the video on his social media handles, Shah Rukh Khan wrote, "Main punya hoon ya paap hoon?... Main bhi aap hoon…#JawanPrevueOn10July #Jawan releasing worldwide on 7th September 2023, in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu."
This announcement left the fans excited as many expressed their thoughts on the comments section. One wrote, "Finally!! The Strom coming. Forever ready for you Chief," while another gushed, "Always Ready khan sahab." The post also saw a comment from his Jawan co-star Riddhi Dogra, who wrote, "Yayy."
Take a look at the poster below:
Besides Shah Rukh Khan, director of the film Atlee also shared the announcement video on his social media profiles and wrote, "Let the countdown for the #JawanPrevue begin!"
Take a look at Atlee's post here:
In May this year, the makers of Jawan announced the film's release date. The film's update began with a motion poster of sorts, in which a masked Shah Rukh Khan jumps as the text "Red Chillies Entertainment presents, releasing worldwide 7th September in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu. Produced by Gauri Khan. An Atlee film. Shah Rukh Khan in and as Jawan." The film was earlier slated to release on June 2 this year. Shah Rukh Khan simply wrote in the caption, "#Jawan #7thSeptember2023." Atlee's Jawan also stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in key roles. The film has been backed by Gauri Khan.
See Shah Rukh Khan's post here:
Announcing his association with the project last year Shah Rukh Khan wrote in his Instagram post: "An action-packed 2023. Bringing Jawan to you, an explosive entertainer in cinemas 2nd June 2023. In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada."
Shah Rukh Khan fans have been waiting for any and all updates about his next film Jawaan. Last month, the actor answered some fan questions about the project during an Ask Me Answer session on Twitter and revealed some interesting details about the project. For instance, one fan asked, “Hello @iamsrk sir, what are your plans in evening? #AskSRK.” To this, SRK answered, “Was thinking will watch Jawaan with Atlee.”
See the Twitter exchange here:
Was thinking will watch Jawaan with Atlee….
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 12, 2023
Another worried fan asked SRK why there is not enough promotional campaign for Jawaan. The user said, “When Jawaan trailer will be out sir? And why am feeling there is not enough promotion for Jawaan?” To this, SRK candidly replied, “The fact that you are asking about Jawaan is promotion enough!”
The fact that you are asking about Jawaan is promotion enough!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 12, 2023
Besides, Shah Rukh Khan, Jawan will also feature Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra and Priyamani. The film has been produced by SRK's Red Chillies Entertainment and the music has been composed by Anirudh Ravichander.
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