Alia Bhatt and Gal Gadot surely know how to have fun during work. The superstars shared a fun video from the grand Netflix Tudum event that they attended in Sao Paulo, Brazil last month. In the video, the Heart Of Stone co-stars can be seen happily posing for the camera as Salvatores' mix of Clandestina plays in the backdrop. The video also features co-star Jamie Dornan. A little context in Alia's caption. it read, "A lot of heart and Jamie Dornan with a stone #HeartOfStone." Heart Of Stone is a spy thriller that has been backed by Netflix and Skydance. The film stars Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan and it has been directed by Tom Harper.
See Alia Bhatt's post here:
On her Instagram last month, Alia Bhatt posted a recap of the Tudum event. "A recap of my Tudum moments #HeartOfStone," she wrote.
Check out the trailer of Heart Of Stone here. PS_ Alia plays the antagonist. Excited much?
Some more photos from the event Alia Bhatt attended last month. "Obrigado Brazil... thank you for all the love! You have my heart," she wrote.
Before leaving for the event, Alia Bhatt had posted this picture and she wrote, "No heart of stone here... just one filled with love... enroute #Tudum #SaoPaulo."
Alia Bhatt also has a big Bollywood release lined up - Karan Johar's Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani with Ranveer Singh. She will also star in Farhan Akhtar's Jee Le Zaraa with Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif.
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